The following shows are independently owned and operated by Shannon Morse with the exception of ThreatWire which is owned by Hak5. All of the below channels are currently producing quality content for a diverse audience. For statistical information, please download the media kit above.
My self titled channel focuses on technology, online security and privacy. Each technology / gadget episode delves into consumer tech reviews or overviews, with an emphasis on security and privacy. The transparent and honest reviews and tutorials have created a devoted core base of viewers (Smores!) with long watch times. Travel vlogs, product recommendations and expert advice make this channel a must-watch for anyone interested in technology in search of educational and in depth content in a structured and fun format.
I am also on Twitter and Instagram.
My channel is available for sponsors and product reviews. Smores on Patreon also help fund this show.
Sailor Snubs is a bi-weekly video show about the Sailor Moon franchise fandom. Each episode focuses on Sailor Moon news, reviews, or how-to’s. Unboxings and collectible reviews are the most popular videos on the channel, averaging hundreds of views and thousands of hours of watch time each. Sailor Snubs is community oriented, taking to task thorough tutorials explaining how to purchase Japanese anime goods while living in North America. The channel continues to grow exponentially and has offered giveaways from brands such as Viz Media and Tokyo-based Sailor Moon Store. This anime-inspired show is available for sponsors or product reviews.
Networks and brands that have hired me to host video content on their channel or at their event.
“Shannon always brings a wealth of expertise and insight to every episode of DTNS she’s on. Her enthusiasm is infectious and she makes every show better. We always want more Shannon!”